All shipments (In India & Worldwide) are delivered in 7-10 business days once the order is received. In case you customized orders, it will take 12-15 business days to get it delivered.

You can shop on the website in INR (Indian Rupee) or USD (United States Dollars).

We guarantee that every item offered by us is brand-new and entirely authentic. Customers may exchange the goods unused, undamaged, in the same condition as when they were purchased, Requests for returns are allowed as long as they are made known to us within 07 days of the products received. There is no return policy as such only replacement.

No matter where you purchase the product, the price is the same. Only the shipping costs vary based on where you want the package delivered.

Most of our discounts do not apply to items in the deals and new arrived sections. Make sure that none of the items from the aforementioned two categories are in your cart before using a coupon. For more questions, you can also get in touch with us.

You might get assistance from a different team of our company for such orders. Send us an email and become our dealer with basic formalities.

India: Cash On Delivery, Credit & Debit Cards, Net-Banking.

*Some locations in India might not be available on Cash On Delivery Other Countries: PayPal.

*We strongly suggest using Paypal Option, if paying from locations outside India. Paypal has a seamless experience and a near perfect go through rate.

Please read our return and refund policy if it is India.

For outside the country orders; replacement can be made as mentioned in our policy.

Both has the best quality. Again the decision depends on the usage and a feel. Bajot gives that ancient feel whereas Buchwala Bajot is a bit new version.